Quality Assurance is so much fun!

14 10 2008

I test computer software for a living.  I think it’s a lot of fun because I actually go to work for the sole purpose of breaking something!  What a way to get your frustrations out, huh?  Well no, not really.  In fact, sometimes it can make you that much more frustrated.  But then there are days like today.   Here I am, Mr. QA, trying to test the search functionality of my product.  I type in a search (not realizing that I had a typo in my search).  The search had to pull up all documents that contained each of these words:  health education AND welfare.  Well, I was typing so fast that I did not realize that I had a typo.  I left the “L” out of the word “health.”  So my search had to find documents that had the words heath education and welfare.  Well, the funny part of all of this is that I got 5 hits!!!!  Amongt the hundreds of thousands of documents that were searched, there were actually 5 documents that had education and welfare spelled correctly; AND the health spelled incorrectly as heath!  Here I was having a slow morning and not finding any errors and the Lord directed my fingers and showed me five at one time to make up for the day! 😆



3 responses

14 10 2008

Oh, you Finally did some work & it was a fluke?? I Still want your job! 😆

Hey! That was hard work finding those typos by mistake! 🙂

21 12 2008

You need to put an update out here. At least provide us with wedding information. Maybe a picture or two of the newest couple.

I am so sorry we missed it. I could really kick myself and you have no idea how bad I feel. I can’t believe I was that stupid.

22 12 2008

I can’t put any wedding pictures up until I get permission from the new couple, and, understandably, I am not going to call them or text them while they are on their honeymoon. Fear not, some will come!

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