Canceling Superpass

21 08 2008

The ONLY reason I’m putting this on my blog is because I know that every now and then Google picks up tid bits from blog and they are searchable on the internet (a configurable option.  You DO NOT have to have this turned on if you don’t want to).

My wife asked me about a charge on our bank statement from RN Superpass.  The Lord had allowed me to see exactly what superpass came from the night before while I was watching something using Real Player.   So at first, I didn’t know what she was talking about and starting to get bothered because of something else I was going to have to track down.  Then the Lord brought the information back to mind.

Now I knew what I had to cancel, but you won’t believe how hard it was to cancel it!   The more you try to cancel the stupid service the harder they try to sell it.  My download and start of the service was inadvertent.  I picked it up when I put real player on my “not so new anymore” laptop and, most likely, forgot to check/un-check a box somewhere.  Since this is still the middle of the billing cycle the rep told me I had $10.00 in free downloads I could still use.  My thought:  “Great!  I’ll see if there is anything worth downloading.”  BUT!!!!!!!!!! Then I would have to reply to his cancellation e-mail to let them know that I really wanted to cancel it!  Of course, we argued back and forth until I realized that the real issue was the $10.00 in free downloads.  So I said,  “Listen.  I want the service terminated with THIS call.  I don’t want to have to do something else AFTER I get off of the phone, so keep your $10.00 in downloads.  Don’t you know he tried to push even harder!!!!   I almost lost my testimony over this one.

Finally, although it was against his will, I got him to see eye with me.  CANCEL NOW!  No matter what language you spoke (and no, his first language was NOT english…..are you surprised?) the message should have come across clearly in that two word statement.   So I got to get a laugh out of the whole thing because he puts in the cancellation request and takes off the $10.00 in free downloads and it STILL does not take effect until the beginning of the next billing cycle!  But I don’t have to do anything else and no other charges will show up on my bill.

Are YOU having problem canceling your Super Pass subscription (That you probably didn’t know you got?)  First:  Go to this URL:

Second:  Scroll down to the bottom middle and follow the instruction in the Cancel Subscription box.

Third:  When you get a rep online, don’t fall for the sales pitch, just cancel, cancel, cancel now!

Good Luck to you!

You know? Right? Know what I’m saying?

14 08 2008

Have you ever had a conversation with somebody who continually questions you through out the entire thing?…and I mean the ENTIRE conversation; instead of just saying what it is that they have say.  Its not like you have to agree with everything that they said.  If you’re standing there having a conversation chances are very good that you hear them.  At least most people who don’t hear you will tell you they don’t…or ask about something if they need to.

There are three of these little sayings that bother me the  most and I will briefly expound on them (Ha!) for you in my own unique way.  The three phrases are You know? Right? and Know what I’m saying…or sayin’.  well, here goes nothing…actually something…… 🙂

There are these three sayings, RIGHT?. And I just wanted to tell you about them today because they really drive me crazy, YOU KNOW? Yet it seems more and more people are using them these days because…..well, I’m not sure why.   I guess that they just want to have a conversation with themselves, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN’? I was just having a conversation yesterday, RIGHT? I mean you do agree with what I’m saying, RIGHT? And the person that I was talking to kept going on and on and questioning me after almost every sentence, YOU KNOW? I was really getting tired of it, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN?

It reminded me of when I was in college, YOU KNOW? I had this teacher, RIGHT? His name was Mr. Facos, RIGHT? And he was the instructor for my impromptu speaking class, YOU KNOW? Well, he made us count OUT LOUD every time somebody said UHHHH or UMMMM while they were speaking, RIGHT? If you have ever spoken in front of any sized group that can be nerve racking, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING? So you stopped saying UHHH and UMMM just so that people didn’t interrupt your speech, YOU KNOW? RIGHT? KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN?

I Don’t want to brag, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN’? but I was one of those people who just did NOT use the UHHH and UMMMM word much after my first speech, RIGHT? It is a learned behavior, YOU KNOW, and you can unlearn it, RIGHT? Especially when you have some incentive, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN? Well if I was taking his class in our present day and time I’m sure he would be counting how many times people say YOU KNOW? and RIGHT? KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING? You don’t?  What do you mean I wasn’t saying anything?  You can read what have typed, RIGHT? (whoa that one might be legit!).  I hate it when I do that. KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN’? Anyway, “Back to the ranch.”   He always got side tracked; Mr. Facos used to say that all the time, YOU KNOW? So, like I was saying…This guy that I was talking to kept throwing out these little questions and finally I asked him…Hey!  Jim (name changed to protect the guilty).  You’re not having a conversation with me.  You’re interrogating me.  KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN? You’ll have to talk to me later.

People can have a conversation without adding a question to the end of every sentence, RIGHT? I sure do hope so because it really drives me crazy to have to listen to, YOU KNOW? Perhaps they need to look in the mirror and run the conversation by themselves before they go and talk to somebody else.  That just might lessen the amout of questions (at least by one or two) that they ask when talking to someone else.  KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING?

Starting Over

11 08 2008

Well, its been a long time, but I’m back.  I have found out that I am fighting a battle with my medication over the weight issue.  So, I’m starting over from my current weight and taking it a little slower and giving myself time to cave every now and then.  Not an impossible battle to win, but a difficult one.  On top of which with some mild to intermediate depression (that doesn’t always come through because I fake it well) and I just don’t care if I lose the weight or control my choloesterol or a host of other things.  Well, I’m trying to work my way out of all that but its a long road.  I’ve started writing again so that is a good sign.   Check my writing blog in a bit for some updated material.  Pray for me…the road is uphill and there are many battles yet!