Cleaning Up the Home Office

12 10 2009

cleanupThe time comes every now and then when you just have to clean up… especially if you’re telling everyone else that they have.  Well that time has come for me as well.  My home office space was in dire need of some, shall we say, long awaited attention.   I discovered, in the course of my cleaning, that the entire mess was not mine– go figure.  Some things were added to my office area, because there was no place else to put them…I guess, I either found places for or threw away (and they, very likely, will not even be missed).  Many  of the out of place things were mine (tools in particular) but they were not out of place because I put them there.  Its seems that I had plenty of help in that area.  Thank you very much for all of you out there who helped me make my office space so….. well liked and well used.

Well, be those things as they may, the office area needed to be cleaned up.  Most of the mess that I was solely responsible for had to do with the work surfaces for my computer desks.  I pretty much don’t even allow anybody else to put stuff in that area.   Had that been the only problem, it would not have taken too long to clean.  I also have to admit, that I am responsible for the vast number of computers that were lying about; from ailing laptops to working and non-working desktops.  They certainly were not stored in the most optimal way.  I just haven’t been able to get back there and do anything with them.mban1764l As you will see, THAT, has been taken care of.  It was an ordeal and there were many unplanned interruptions; but then are interruptions ever planned?   The cleaning process encompassed the entire day.  I got nothing else done, but there are some benefits.  1) My chair can once again  go where it once was able to to move to before.  2) My wife can now reach the tools that she says she has had trouble reaching.    3) Things on the workbench are once again accessible (these may have been inaccessible by design) to everyone. 4) The room looks inviting and clean and not “junky” any more.  With Nanowrimo coming up, I may be spending more time back there for peace and quiet!

So…. all of that having been said, I chronicled my progress on video and I am posting those videos here for you to view.

Here is what the office looked like when I began the process:

This video show the work about 60% done, but I was running out of steam quickly, mostly due to all of the interruptions.

And at last, the finished work:

You are welcome to leave comments and let me know what you think!



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