Back on the Net!

1 04 2008

Our internet connection went out sometime on Saturday and we had to wait until today (today is Tuesday) before they could send a repairman (well I say repair man, but in this day and age that is no longer necessarily a man! The repair lady came). She seemed to be appalled because we only had internet service and we did not actually have any cable TV channels…..Well, if there was more good than there was bad on them, I supposed that could be an option….but that is a topic for another blog post. notaddicted.jpg

My wife was starting to suffer “Lack of Connection Anxiety” (LCA) so it is a good thing that they came so that she could get to her e-mail and be connected the world again. After all, as she likes to remind me, I am the one who has gotten her into this technology age (and rightly so, I might add) so now she is partially dependent on it. But she did not go stir crazy, and, amazingly enough, I did not miss it as much as people might think. There were a few things that I would have liked to do that I would have normally used the computer for, but they waited. Imagine that! Anyway, we’re back on the net! 🙂