Weight Loss

21 02 2008

Well, I’m not making any resolutions or anything like that I’m just going to do it. I’ve needed to drop a pound or too (what an understatement) for some time now and I have just decided that I’m going to do it. Wouldn’t hurt my cholesterol problem either. So I have decided to set a goal of losing an avg. of 5 pounds a month (which I am told is very ambitious) for 5 months with the goal of keeping at least 20 of the 25 pounds off permanently! Woe unto you who cook big dinners and invite me over to your houses during the holidays! I have personally exempted any of my wife’s baking and Black and White bakery cookies from the list of things to avoid. I’m sure those things are helpful to my diet.

At some point, with all of the greenery that I will be eating to help accomplish this task, I am sure that I will start feeling like a rabbit. But I will persevere! You can keep track of my progress whenever you check back. I have a widget over on the sidebar —->

that I will continue to update—Both with favorable and unfavorable results. Your encouragement and support will be most helpful. And when I lose the 25 pounds….lets go and pig out to celebrate! 🙂