Made in the shade!

21 02 2008

joecool1.jpgHere I sit at work. Looking cool as can be. So what do I do for living you ask? Well I test computer software. Yes, unlike most people who go to work to fix things; I go to work so that I can break things. I’m told I’m quite good at it too! Now you may be asking yourself….OK, blogmaster, so what’s so cool about that? Good question! I thought you’d never ask. The answer to your question: Nothing! 🙂 It just so happens that today is one of those days that occurs every so often that something happens and throws off my routine and I forget something. Well the something that I forgot today was my eye glasses. Lucky for me that God blessed me with all around blindness so my sunglasses are prescription as well. Now I bet you’re getting the picture. Here I sit at my desk working (well, OK, blogging at the moment) inside—-not outside—- with my prescription sunglasses on because I would not be able to see otherwise. I’m getting my work done (which means, yes, I’m breaking things) and I just look so cool sitting here while I do it. I get the occasional jibe form my co-workers as they pass by and see that I forgot my eyeglasses, but thats OK. I look cool—they don’t!. Things tend to be a little darker, but it sure does cut down on the glare! Go figure. The things one must endure to make it through the work day! I could have just gone home, but figured it didn’t make sense use a day of leave.

The really cool thing is the looks that I got at my 10:00 meeting today (I just love meetings! —NOT!). Of course, with everybody’s busy schedule, nobody is prompt to the meetings any more–except for me. I usually sit in a room and meet with the empty chairs long before anyone shows up (that’s usually more productive than the actual meeting!). But this lack of promptness causes each new late person to come in and ask one of two questions:

1) Why are you wearing sunglasses or

2) Did you know you were wearing sunglasses? (<—They ought to be fired)

I feel like answering: REALLY? Whew! Glad you told me. It was kind of dark in here and I just thought the sun had gone down early!

And then I have to go through the entire story all over again until the last person arrives. By that time I usually have help from several other meeting invitees in telling my story for the 10th or 11th time. So here I sit with the shades on, glasses at home on my dresser; but getting the job done!

Oh….and by the way, the Pocket PC (my electronic brain–which I am literally lost without…) is sitting at home in the charger because, of course, I don’t get that until after I get my glasses on! 🙂 Gotta love us creatures of habit.