In the Dumps

28 04 2008

Have you ever had one of those “down in the dumps” days where it just seems like most things have NOT gone the way that you want it too for too many days in a row and you just don’t care to talk about it. Or you have too many things in your life that you have absolutely no control over and consequently they control you. And you look around you and it seems like everybody else has it all together (although you know, that in reality, they don’t either) and you just don’t care be around people. Well I’m having one of those days today. Trying to concentrate on the positive because concentrating on the negative can put you into a tailspin that you’re never likely to get out of. But I can take solace in one thing, and that is that although things may not be going my way, God is in control and he has a master plan that no one can thwart. Therefore, things are ALWAYS going his way. But being the mortal being that I am, I lack God’s patience. Sure there a lot of things that can wait, but it also seems like I’ve just been waiting long enough—-Ahhh, so you know what I’m talking about. OK, its not just me. Well, it was just a thought and one of many blog entries that I have been planning to make so stay tuned. 🙂