Canned Responses

24 01 2008

Why do we have so many canned responses that we just throw out at each other. For example: Someone may ask: “how are you?” To which we immediately reply: “Fine thank you.” I found myself doing that yesterday. Truth is I feel like I’ve just be hit by a truck and that it is still on top of me!

I was listening to a Christian comedian once who was addressing the issue. He used the example of calling to book some travel. At the end of the process the booking agent tells the caller to have a nice trip. The caller replies, “you too!” THE BOOKING AGENT ISN’T GOING ANYWHERE!!!!! We are a society of canned answers. Does anybody really say what they want to. Many times we fill other people’s heads with responses when we’re not even the one who the question is being asked of. But the person who is being spoken to, for lack of a better answer, just uses the response that was provided. It drives me crazy! Anybody want to add their two cents?



One response

26 01 2008

Especially in the case of the question of “How are you?” Most people don’t really want to know… general…they are expecting one to lie and say fine even if their life is falling down around their shoulders.
My husband would tell you that this is true in most cases….but it is rarely true with me. He has seen me ask generally how someone is and walk away 15 minutes later with how they really are along with their family and any friends who are dealing with tough situations. I don’t know why this happens to me….but it does….It actually used to freak him out.

We give canned answers because it is expected and no one really wants to know the truth….that would require taking the emphasis off themselves and having to actually consider that another person has a need.

I don’t know why…but when I ask, I must send off some vibe letting that person know that I really do want to know how they are doing whether it is good or bad.

I’m not sure I even answered your question but I think it is just because we have become a more selfish society along with the whole political correctness about automatic responses.

Take it to heart….if I ask you how you are doing….I really want to know…because you may be in need of just a sympathetic ear or in need of some prayer.

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