Drenched to the Bone!

1 02 2008

<Ported from my “When it Rains it Pours” blog —now being consolidated in this blog>

Well, here’s my Gripe for the day! It’s raining today. Right now it has turned into your every day moderate to light rain. However, for the 20 minutes I had to walk in it to get to my bus stop this morning, I’m talking torrential downpour. And NO, that is not an exaggeration! I may as well have had my umbrella down save for the fact that my head and face were kept relatively dry. The rest of me was drenched!

My coat was soggy (Got my own seat on the bus! Nobody else wanted to get wet!), My pants were drenched, my sneakers were drenched, My socks were drenched and soggy (and sitll are) and I was chilled to the bone. My shirt was only a tad damp! As I type this to you now, I am only slightly damp, as my body heat has helped to dry everthing else off. Hasn’t done much for he chills though. I had to throw on a sweater.

When I was younger I used to like walking in the rain with my (then) girlfriend, (now) wife, with no umbrella. It was fun, it was romantic. It was time spent with her and the elements didn’t matter. That was then. Today I would still love spending the time with her, but that regardless of the elements part has gone out the window!

And why do go out in weather like this when it would be so easy (and I admit I was tempted this morning to just stay home)? Because of the obvious benefits. My employer gives me a bi-weekly reminder that he really appreciates me coming to work every day. When I worked for the government (I don’t know what got into me) it was appropriately termed a bi-weekly insult. Since I came to my senses almost 14 years ago and almost doubled my salary when I walked into the door at my current job (Praise the Lord!) I haven’t looked back since.

So, now, here I sit. No longer drenched, but in my place as I’m supposed to be. And to top it off, with not a thing to do except get paid for writing this blog entry at the moment. But most of what I get paid for (during these slow times) is to be here just in case. So, neither rain, nor snow (mmmmmm that’s not true) nor gloom of night (OK, I won’t go that far either!) will keep me from my appointed rounds……uh paycheck!



One response

21 02 2008

Oooh, A REAL job!! LOL

Yeah, you should get one!

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