You know? Right? Know what I’m saying?

14 08 2008

Have you ever had a conversation with somebody who continually questions you through out the entire thing?…and I mean the ENTIRE conversation; instead of just saying what it is that they have say.  Its not like you have to agree with everything that they said.  If you’re standing there having a conversation chances are very good that you hear them.  At least most people who don’t hear you will tell you they don’t…or ask about something if they need to.

There are three of these little sayings that bother me the  most and I will briefly expound on them (Ha!) for you in my own unique way.  The three phrases are You know? Right? and Know what I’m saying…or sayin’.  well, here goes nothing…actually something…… 🙂

There are these three sayings, RIGHT?. And I just wanted to tell you about them today because they really drive me crazy, YOU KNOW? Yet it seems more and more people are using them these days because…..well, I’m not sure why.   I guess that they just want to have a conversation with themselves, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN’? I was just having a conversation yesterday, RIGHT? I mean you do agree with what I’m saying, RIGHT? And the person that I was talking to kept going on and on and questioning me after almost every sentence, YOU KNOW? I was really getting tired of it, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN?

It reminded me of when I was in college, YOU KNOW? I had this teacher, RIGHT? His name was Mr. Facos, RIGHT? And he was the instructor for my impromptu speaking class, YOU KNOW? Well, he made us count OUT LOUD every time somebody said UHHHH or UMMMM while they were speaking, RIGHT? If you have ever spoken in front of any sized group that can be nerve racking, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING? So you stopped saying UHHH and UMMM just so that people didn’t interrupt your speech, YOU KNOW? RIGHT? KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN?

I Don’t want to brag, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN’? but I was one of those people who just did NOT use the UHHH and UMMMM word much after my first speech, RIGHT? It is a learned behavior, YOU KNOW, and you can unlearn it, RIGHT? Especially when you have some incentive, KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN? Well if I was taking his class in our present day and time I’m sure he would be counting how many times people say YOU KNOW? and RIGHT? KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING? You don’t?  What do you mean I wasn’t saying anything?  You can read what have typed, RIGHT? (whoa that one might be legit!).  I hate it when I do that. KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN’? Anyway, “Back to the ranch.”   He always got side tracked; Mr. Facos used to say that all the time, YOU KNOW? So, like I was saying…This guy that I was talking to kept throwing out these little questions and finally I asked him…Hey!  Jim (name changed to protect the guilty).  You’re not having a conversation with me.  You’re interrogating me.  KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN? You’ll have to talk to me later.

People can have a conversation without adding a question to the end of every sentence, RIGHT? I sure do hope so because it really drives me crazy to have to listen to, YOU KNOW? Perhaps they need to look in the mirror and run the conversation by themselves before they go and talk to somebody else.  That just might lessen the amout of questions (at least by one or two) that they ask when talking to someone else.  KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING?



3 responses

28 08 2008

You are absolutely correct. More people are saying “you know” than ever before. It’s some kind of virus of the brain and mouth that is spreading and there is no cure. Even so called highly educated people abuse the added verbiage. It’s sad because the educational system in the USA has made a joke of the English language ….

14 05 2011

my 3 year old daughter does this, she keeps saying right at the end of the sentence and I was looking for info about it, now that we are living outside the states, she does the same but in Spanish, verdad? lol.

3 10 2011
Neilsky Harvey

There is one particular nationality who when speaking English, end their sentences with “Isn’t it?” …..and there is another nationality who end many sentences with a statement, “To be sure”. This can also be annoyingly distracting in conversation, you know!

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