Harry Homeowner I am NOT!

8 01 2008

I guess we can consider this an imponderable and we (the would be the “collective we” ) can subtitle it:  Why do we try to fix things ourselves when somebody else can do it. 

 Well, here goes nothing.  My bathtub was clogged and I was going to impress my wife with my DIY (do it yourself) skills.  HA!  What a joke it turned out to be.  After talking with a couple of plumber friends, I knew exactly what needed to be done. Of course, in this case knowing what needs to be done and actually getting it done are two different things!  I went to Home Depot and got a snake.  I was going to snake that drain out and get that clog right out of my house.  WRONG!  The snake would only go so far!  I paid to rent a 75 foot snake that I only got to use 8 feet of!  And NO, I never was able to get the drain cleared.

Well since the bathtub was not being cooperative, I decided I would got throug the sink.  So, I took the pipes under the sink off and started the process.  SCRREEEECH! No dice. I came to a screeching halt.  The snake got stuck here too!   ARRRRRGH!  To make matters worse, I now had a leak in a sink that was fine beofre I started “fixing” things.  Well, after locating the leak and determining the fix for the problem, I got my handy dandy tools ad went to work.   In my frusration I over tightened the connection and cracked the seal.  At first I thought I’d be able to get away with it.  No Sirrrreeeee!  Now the sink leaks and when I go back to Home Depot to return the snake in morning I have to get my sink repair stuff.  No, I’m not a happy camper.  As soon as I get home and have my sink repaired, I will promptly call a plubmer–which is what I should have done in the first place.   Why Did I ever try to fix it myself?



One response

12 01 2008

Because you are of the male species….the same species that refuses to stop and ask for directions… ❓ I’m guessing could be the reason?


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